Trompler Foundation

rebate page
I wrote this primarily for my own use - nothing I could find in
Amazon's policy prevents me from getting a kickback for referring myself to
their site. I couldn't think of a reason not to (ab)use their referral
system in this way.
If you do a search from this page and buy something, 5% gets sent to me.
But wait, there's more! If you enter a specific amazon product ID (ISBN
for books, ASIN for other items) here,
the kickback is 15%. My plan is to do a search, copy the ASIN/ISBN, then
hit back a few times and paste it into the form before adding it to the
I have no idea what the accounting looks like for referrals, so I'm not
willing (yet) to commit to kicking back any of this kickback. This could
change. In the meantime, consider it going to the party fund.
to link to a specific item, enter the ASIN or ISBN here.